Pirates were undoubtedly mixing it with rum. In no time folks started mixing that vinegary fruit juice with spirits. These fruity elixirs, being full of vitamin C, helped to protect them from scurvy. Sailors would take shrubs along with them on sea voyages.
This practice then arrived in Colonial America with the settlers. So shrubs (the drink) have their roots (yeah, I know I said roots, but I am still talking about the drink, not the plant) in England where vinegar was traditionally used to preserve fruit. In Monty Python’s “The Holy Grail” these knights will not let King Arthur pass unless he brings them a shrubbery as toll. Just between me and you, when I first read about shrubs all I could think about was the Knights Who Say “Ni” of Monty Python fame. The Shrub that I’m referring to is a concentrated syrup which is made by combining fruit, sugar and vinegar. So what is a shrub? It is not that small ornamental bush out in the yard. The perfect thing to cool you down while you’re waiting for the season to change! It is made with a delicious blackberry shrub, a little glug of lemon and orange juice, and Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey served with a splash of tonic water over crushed ice. Since the weather seems very danged determined to keep rolling out those summer temps, I thought I’d tell you about a nice refreshing cocktail that we have been enjoying – The Black Jack.