The emperor Commodus, depicted in Ridley Scott's movie Gladiator, was one emperor who enjoyed shooting at animals during these hunts, and was supposedly very good with a bow and arrow. Emperors sometimes took part in these, shooting at animals with a bow and arrow from the security of their seat. Or, there may have been animal hunts, called venationes, in which whole stage sets would be used to replicate a hunting environment.
There was a daily schedule of events in the Roman Coliseum: 6 - Not all events and games in the Colosseum ended in death The vomitoria were the passageways that ran along the entire building behind and and beneath the seating tiers, to help with the flow of spectators.īecause of the vomitoria, The Colosseum could be filled or emptied in 15 minutes. The word 'Vomit' comes from Vomitorium - the verb meaning 'to disgorge.'
One of the stranger facts about the Roman Colosseum involves the Vomitoria